A Brief Guide To Sentence Structures That Express ‘Choice or Decision’

A Brief Guide To Sentence Structures That Express ‘Choice or Decision’

There are two main categories of sentence structures that you can use to express choice/decision. The first being one that you can use in a situation where you have yet to make the decision, the second being a situation where you have already made your choice and you are simply making a comparison of the choices to explain why you made your decision.

Let’s look at the first category. The following sentence structures can be use to express the two choices available to you in a certain situation. Some of them can be used as a statement, others as a question.


  • 或者。。,或者。。

either.., or…【或者。 。 ,或者。 。 】Huòzhě. . , Huòzhě. .



Jīn wǎn qù diànyǐngyuàn shí, wǒmen huòzhě kāichē qù, huòzhě dǎ chē qù.

When we go to the cinema this evening we’ll either drive or take a taxi.

  • 不是。。,就是。。

if not…,then…【不是。。,就是。。】Bùshì. . , Jiùshì. .



Wǒ hěn xǐhuān zuò yùndòng, měitiān bùshì tī zúqiú, jiùshì yóuyǒng.

I really like to play sports, every day if I’m not playing football, then I’m swimming.

  • 要么。。,要么。。

either…, or… 【要么。 。 ,要么。 。】 Yàome. . , Yàome. .


After I graduate from university I plan to either find a job, or continue my studies.

*(Please note the difference between 或者。。或者。。 and 要么。。要么。。  is that要么must be followed by a clause, whereas或者can be simply followed by a noun.)


  • 是。。,还是。。

is…, or..【要么。。,要么。。】Shì. . , Háishì. .



Zhè bēi kāfēi shì nǐ de, háishì tā de?

Is this cup of coffee yours, or his?

The second category is mainly use in statements to explain why you made the decision you made. The structures are similar to the English ‘would rather…, than…’ but they carry different connotations as we can see in the examples below.

This structure is usually used in a positive situation:

  • 与其。。,不如/还不如。。

Rather than… better to…【與其。 。 ,不如/還不如。 。】Yǔqí. . , Bùrú/hái bùrú. .



Tiānqì zhème hǎo, yǔqí dāi zài jiālǐ, hái bùrú chūqù zǒu zǒu.

The weather is so nice today, rather then staying at home, it’s better to go out for a walk.

This structure is usually used in a negative situation:

  • 宁可。。,也/也不。。

would rather…, than…【 寧可。 。 ,也/也不。 。】nìngkě。。yě/yě bù。。



Tā nìngkě è dùzi, yě bùxiǎng qiàn biérén qián.

He’d would rather go hungry than owe people money.

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