Chinese Reality TV isn’t for everyone especially when it comes to Chinese dating shows. However, watching these shows can give you a glimpse into contemporary Chinese life and culture. For example, Japan’s Terrace House has gained popularity for how it introduces us to another culture. Watching current Chinese shows like this will improve your listening skills too. You might even pick up a few colloquial words and phrases along the way. Furthermore, shows like this are great for understanding Chinese humour.
Chinese Dating Shows 1: If You Are The One
If You Are The One is a Chinese Dating Show is the Chinese counterpart to Take Me Out. Each episode introduces a lucky bachelor who must try and impress a group of potential partners. They hilariously take it in turns to reveal who would the most suitable. The rounds go on until the bachelor is left to pick on a person to take on a date. This a humours show for understanding Chinese dating culture.
Chinese Dating Shows 2: Chinese Dating With the Parents
This Chinese dating show is a twist on the old tradition of parents choosing their children’s partners. The show is a blind-date format where candidates must audition to the parents of their potential partners. Through videos, debate and humour the parents must decide who is the best for their child. This a good show for understanding Chinese family dynamics and generational differences.
Chinese Dating Shows 3: One Out of 100
One Out of 1OO is a dating show with a more international feel. It is set in Shanghai so don’t be surprised if you see some international candidates. This show has a unique twist; the audience’s opinion also determines who gets to date. One man is introduced to a panel of women and if 70% of the audience like the man then he can keep progressing. To make thing even harder, the women can choose to back out at any moment. This show is humorous, but also interesting to see the differences in opinion amongst people when it comes to dating.
Chinese Dating Shows 4: Mother-in-Law Looks For Son/Daugther-in-Law
This hidden gem might be harder to find, but it’s still worth the try. Similar to Chinese Dating With Parents, this show allows families to take part too. The premise of the show is that Mothers join their children in picking the best partner. After some gruelling questioning on a large stage, if both the mother/daughter/son agree then the match can be made official. Though the show is hilarious it has great moments that highlight Chinese society and culture overall.
Along with watching Chinese TV shows and film, there other fun ways to improve your Chinese skills. If you have any questions about Chinese language and culture make sure to find us on Quora. Remember, another way to keep your Chinese current is by making sure the content you consume is current! So be sure to read all the latest Chinese news articles on The Chairman’s Bao.