Global IT Outage Warning Call for Cyber Security

Global IT Outage Warning Call for Cyber Security
软件更新致全球大宕机 专家呼吁共同应对网络风险
软件更新致全球大宕机 专家呼吁共同应对网络风险
Global IT Outage Warning Call for Cyber Security
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Simplified Traditional
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宕机 - dàngjī - to crash (of a computer)
呼吁 - hūyù - to call on (sb to do sth) / to appeal (to) / an appeal
缺陷 - quēxiàn - defect / flaw / physical defect
人士 - rénshì - person / figure / public figure
波及 - bōjí - to spread to / to involve / to affect
媒体 - méitǐ - media, esp. news media
诈骗 - zhàpiàn - to defraud / to swindle / to blackmail
涌现 - yǒngxiàn - to emerge in large numbers / to spring up / to emerge prominently
紧密 - jǐnmì - inseparably close
携手 - xiéshǒu - hand in hand / to join hands / to collaborate
漏洞 - lòudòng - leak / hole / gap / loophole
修复 - xiūfù - to restore / to renovate / restoration
预测 - yùcè - to forecast / to predict
中断 - zhōngduàn - to cut short / to break off / to discontinue / to interrupt
损坏 - sǔnhuài - to damage / to injure
暴露 - bàolù - to expose / to reveal / to lay bare
依赖 - yīlài - to depend on / to be dependent on
滋生 - zīshēng - to breed / to flourish / to cause / to provoke / to create
潜在 - qiánzài - hidden / potential / latent
危机 - wēijī - crisis
类似 - lèisì - similar / analogous
瘟疫 - wēnyì - epidemic / plague / pestilence / diseased
社论 - shèlùn - editorial (in a newspaper)
主导 - zhǔdǎo - to lead / to manage
决策者 - juécèzhě - policymaker
意识 - yìshí - consciousness / awareness / to be aware / to realise
据悉… - Expressing "according to reports / it is reported (that)…" with "jùxī…"

迄今为止... - Expressing "up until now..." with "qì​jīn​wéi​zhǐ..."

当前... - Expressing "current / today's / present / to be facing (us)..." with "dāng​qián..."
英国伯明翰大学教授John Bryson分析道,鉴于当前全球经济一体化日益明显,今后将会出现更多类似的“数字瘟疫”。

鉴于 + Observation / Conclusion / Suggestion - Expressing "in view of / seeing that / considering..." with "jianyu + observation / conclusion / suggestion"
英国伯明翰大学教授John Bryson分析道,鉴于当前全球经济一体化日益明显,今后将会出现更多类似的“数字瘟疫”。

日益 + Verb / Verb Phrase - Expressing that an action happens "more and more with each passing day" with "rì​yì + Verb / Verb Phrase"
英国伯明翰大学教授John Bryson分析道,鉴于当前全球经济一体化日益明显,今后将会出现更多类似的“数字瘟疫”。
據悉… - Expressing "according to reports / it is reported (that)…" with "jùxī…"

迄今為止... - Expressing "up until now..." with "qì​jīn​wéi​zhǐ..."

當前... - Expressing "current / today's / present / to be facing (us)..." with "dāng​qián..."
英國伯明翰大學教授John Bryson分析道,鑑於當前全球經濟一體化日益明顯,今後將會出現更多類似的「數字瘟疫」。

鑑於 + Observation / Conclusion / Suggestion - Expressing "in view of / seeing that / considering..." with "jianyu + observation / conclusion / suggestion"
英國伯明翰大學教授John Bryson分析道,鑑於當前全球經濟一體化日益明顯,今後將會出現更多類似的「數字瘟疫」。

日益 + Verb / Verb Phrase - Expressing that an action happens "more and more with each passing day" with "rì​yì + Verb / Verb Phrase"
英國伯明翰大學教授John Bryson分析道,鑑於當前全球經濟一體化日益明顯,今後將會出現更多類似的「數字瘟疫」。
Proper Nouns
众击 - Zhòngjī - CrowdStrike (US cybersecurity technology company)
微软公司 - Wēiruǎn Gōngsī - Microsoft Corporation
伯明翰大学 - Bómínghàn Dàxué - University of Birmingham
彭博社 - Péngbó - Bloomberg (news agency)
亚马逊 - Yàmǎxùn - Amazon (US multinational technology company) / Amazon (rainforest)
谷歌 - Gǔgē - Google

引以为戒 - yǐnyǐwéijiè - to take warning / to learn a lesson
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