Museum Fridge Magnet Proves a Hit for Chinese Consumers

Museum Fridge Magnet Proves a Hit for Chinese Consumers
Museum Fridge Magnet Proves a Hit for Chinese Consumers
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消费者 - xiāofèizhě - consumer
上游 - shàngyóu - upper reaches (of a river) / upper level / upper echelon / upstream
设计 - shèjì - to design / to plan / design / plan
广大 - guǎngdà - (of an area) vast or extensive / large-scale / widespread / (of people) numerous
凤冠 - fèngguān - phoenix crown
形状 - xíngzhuàng - form / shape
灵感 - línggǎn - inspiration / insight / a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavour
皇后 - huánghòu - empress / imperial consort
上市 - shàngshì - to hit the market (of a new product) / to float (a company on the stock market)
含有 - hányǒu - to contain / including
产品 - chǎnpǐn - goods / merchandise / product
销售 - xiāoshòu - to sell / to market / sales (representative, agreement etc.)
总额 - zǒng'é - total (amount or value)
开发 - kāifā - to exploit (a resource) / to open up (for development) / to develop
副主任 - fùzhǔrèn - deputy director / assistant head
宣传 - xuānchuán - to disseminate / to give publicity to / propaganda
生产 - shēngchǎn - to produce / to manufacture
尽力 - jìnlì - to strive one's hardest / to spare no effort
程度 - chéngdù - degree (level or extent) / level
带动 - dàidòng - to spur / to provide impetus / to drive
制作 - zhìzuò - to make / to manufacture
批 - pī - measure word for batches, lots, military flights
避免 - bìmiǎn - to avert / to prevent / to avoid / to refrain from
代购 - dàigòu - to buy (on behalf of sb)
导致 - dǎozhì - to lead to / to create / to cause / to bring about
采取 - cǎiqǔ - to adopt or carry out (measures, policies, course of action) / to take
发售 - fāshòu - to sell
措施 - cuòshī - measure / step
清晨 - qīngchén - early morning
临时 - línshí - at the instant sth happens / temporary / interim / ad hoc
来自 + Place - Expressing "to come from (a place)" with "lái​zì + Place"

到目前为止… - Expressing "until now / so far…" with "dàomùqiánwéizhǐ…"

目前… - Expressing "at present / currently..." with "mù​qián..."
Proper Nouns
中国国家博物馆 - Zhōngguó Guójiā Bówùguǎn - National Museum of China
明朝 - Míngcháo - Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
孝端 - Xiàoduān - Xiaoduan (longest-serving empress in the Ming dynasty, 1368-1644)

供不应求 - gōngbúyìngqiú - in short supply / supply does not meet demand
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