Life as an Ice Carver at Harbin Festival

Life as an Ice Carver at Harbin Festival
Life as an Ice Carver at Harbin Festival
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冰雕师 - bīngdiāoshī - ice carver / ice sculpturer
冰雕 - bīngdiāo - ice sculpture
创作 - chuàngzuò - to create / to produce / to write / creative work / creation
设计 - shèjì - to design / to plan / design / plan
雕刻 - diāokè - to carve / to engrave / carving
投入 - tóurù - to throw into / to put into / to throw oneself into / to participate in / to invest in / absorbed / engrossed
精力 - jīnglì - energy
艰苦 - jiānkǔ - difficult / hard / arduous
作品 - zuòpǐn - work (of art) / opus
温度 - wēndù - temperature
冷库 - lěngkù - cold storage / refrigerator
患上 - huànshàng - contracted (an illness)
腰椎盘突出 - yāozhuī pán tūchū - lumbar disc herniation
职业病 - zhíyèbìng - occupational disease
寒气 - hánqì - cold air
损伤 - sǔnshāng - to harm / to damage / to injure / impairment / loss / disability
承受 - chéngshòu - to bear / to support / to inherit
劳累 - láolèi - tired / exhausted / worn out / to toil
折磨 - zhémó - to persecute / to torment
转行 - zhuǎnháng - to change profession
季节性 - jìjiéxìng - seasonal
旺季 - wàngjì - busy season / peak period
集中 - jízhōng - to concentrate / to centralise / to focus / centralised / concentrated / to put together
从事 - cóngshì - to go for / to engage in / to undertake / to deal with / to handle / to do
热爱 - rè'ài - to love ardently / to adore
精致 - jīngzhì - delicate / fine / exquisite / refined
细节 - xìjié - details / particulars
处理 - chǔlǐ - to handle / to treat / to deal with / to process
欣赏 - xīnshǎng - to appreciate / to enjoy / to admire
表情 - biǎoqíng - (facial) expression / to express one's feelings / expression
Verb / Adj. + 于 + Object - Expressing that the action or adj. is "in / at / to / from" a certain object with "Verb + yú + Object" (object can be a place, time, person, entity etc.)

无法 + Verb / Verb Phrase - Expressing to be "unable / incapable of doing sth" with "wú​fǎ + Verb / Verb Phrase"

Word + 性 - Expressing a property / characteristic / suffix forming adjective from verb / suffix forming noun from adjective (similar to adding "-ility", "-ness" or "-ic") with "xìng"

(在)…期间 - Expressing "during (a period of time)" with "(zài)…qījiān"

反而… - Expressing "on the contrary / contrary (to expectations)…" with "fǎn'ér…" (indicates that something is unexpected or beyond expectations)
Proper Nouns
哈尔滨 - Hā'ěrbīn - Harbin (capital of Heilongjiang Province)
网易新闻 - Wǎngyì Xīnwén - NetEast /
广西 - Guǎngxī - Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region
北海 - Běihǎi - Beihai (city in Guangxi Zhuang)

偷工减料 - tōugōngjiǎnliào - to skimp on the job and stint on materials / jerry-building / sloppy work
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