Ministry of Education Finds Students Sleeping More with Reduced Workload

Ministry of Education Finds Students Sleeping More with Reduced Workload
Ministry of Education Finds Students Sleeping More with Reduced Workload mandarin exellence program
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学业 - xuéyè - studies / schoolwork
负担 - fùdān - burden / to bear a burden
部门 - bùmén - department / branch / section / division
采取 - cǎiqǔ - to adopt or carry out (measures, policies, course of action)
措施 - cuòshī - measure / step
课业 - kèyè - lesson / schoolwork
学期 - xuéqī - term / semester
参与 - cānyù - to participate (in sth)
充足 - chōngzú - adequate / sufficient / abundant
受访者 - shòufǎngzhě - participant in a survey / an interviewee / those questioned
建议 - jiànyì - to propose / to suggest / to recommend / proposal / suggestion / recommendation
监控 - jiānkòng - to monitor
控制 - kòngzhì - control / to exercise control over / to contain
分配 - fēnpèi - to distribute / to assign / to allocate / to partition (a hard drive)
家庭作业 - jiātíngzuòyè - homework
笔头 - bǐtóu - ability to write / writing skill / written / in written form
补习 - bǔxí - to take extra lessons / to cram (for a test)
课程 - kèchéng - course / academic program
补充 - bǔchōng - to replenish / to supplement / to complement / additional / supplementary
布置 - bùzhì - to put in order / to arrange / to decorate / to fix up / to deploy
方式 - fāngshì - way (of life) / pattern / style / mode / manner
是否 + Verb / Adj. - Expressing "whether (or not) / is or isn't..." with "shìfǒu… + Verb / Adj."

同时... - Expressing "at the same time / simultaneously..." with "tóng​shí..."

大部分 + Noun Phrase - Expressing "in large part / the greater part of sth" with "dàbùfen + Noun Phrase"

据称… - Expressing "it is said / allegedly / according to reports…" with "jùchēng…"

目前… - Expressing "at present / currently..." with "mùqián..."
Proper Nouns
中国日报网 - Zhōngguó Rìbào wǎng - China Daily online


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