Shanghai Cafe Offers Job Opportunities to People with Cognitive Disorders
Shanghai Cafe Offers Job Opportunities to People with Cognitive Disorders


认知障碍 - rènzhīzhàngài - cognitive impairment
诊断 - zhěnduàn - to diagnose / diagnosis
焦虑 - jiāolǜ - anxious / worried / apprehensive
抑郁 - yìyù - depressed / despondent / gloomy / depression
自卑 - zìbēi - feeling inferior / self-abased
常态 - chángtài - normal state
真人秀 - zhēnrénxiù - reality show (loanword)
戏剧性 - xìjùxìng - dramatic
改善 - gǎishàn - to make better / to improve
实体店 - shítǐdiàn - brick and mortar business / physical (rather than online) retail store
保留 - bǎoliú - to retain / to continue to have / to preserve / to maintain / to reserve
目标 - mùbiāo - target / goal / objective
轮流 - lúnliú - to alternate / to take turns
基本 - jīběn - basic / fundamental / main / elementary
宽容 - kuānróng - lenient / tolerant / indulgent / charitable / to forgive
犯错 - fàncuò - to err / to make a mistake / to do the wrong thing
志愿者 - zhìyuànzhě - volunteer
福利 - fúlì - (material) welfare / well-being / benefits
烘焙 - hōngbèi - to cure by drying over a fire (tea, meat etc.)
激活 - jīhuó - to activate
面临 - miànlín - to face sth / to be confronted with
人口 - rénkǒu - population
老龄化 - lǎolínghuà - aging (population)
功能 - gōngnéng - function / capability
退化 - tuìhuà - to degenerate / atrophy
失去 - shīqù - to lose
自理 - zìlǐ - to take care of oneself / to provide for oneself
情绪 - qíngxù - mood / state of mind / moodiness
低落 - dīluò - downcast
弱势群体 - ruòshìqúntǐ - disadvantaged social groups (e.g. the handicapped) / the economically and politically marginalised / the dispossessed
自闭症 - zìbìzhèng - autism
患者 - huànzhě - patient / sufferer
社交 - shèjiāo - interaction / social contact
Word + 性 - Expressing a property / characteristic / suffix forming adjective from verb / suffix forming noun from adjective (similar to adding "-ility", "-ness" or "-ic") with "xìng"
(自从)…以来 - Expressing "since (a previous time or event)..." with "(zìcóng)...yǐlái"
之类… - Expressing "and so on / and such…" with "zhīlèi…"
如... - Expressing "as / as if / such as..." with "rú..."
Noun / Adj. + 化 - Suffix added to the end of nouns or adj. to turn them into verbs with "Noun / Adj. + huà" (similar to adding "-ify / -ise / isation")
Proper Nouns
中国日报网 - Zhōngguó Rìbào wǎng - China Daily online忘不了餐厅 - Wàngbùliǎo Cāntīng - Forget Me Not Cafe
第七次全国人口普查 - Dìqī Cì Quánguó Rénkǒu Pǔzhā - Seventh National Population Census
阿尔茨海默病 - Ā'ěrcíhǎimòbìng - Alzheimer's disease / senile dementia
阿尔茨海默氏症 - Ā'ěrcíhǎimòshìzhèng - Alzheimer's disease / senile dementia
关怀备至 - guānhuáibèizhì - the utmost care / to look after sb in every possible way
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Shanghai Cafe Offers Job Opportunities to People with Cognitive Disorders

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