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中国女性为实现理财目标 纷纷加入“存钱搭子”
中国女性为实现理财目标 纷纷加入“存钱搭子”
Women in China Join Online Groups to Save Money
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搭子 - dāzi - partner
加剧 - jiājù - to intensify / to sharpen / to accelerate / to aggravate / to exacerbate
降薪 - jiàngxīn - pay cut
沉重 - chénzhòng - heavy / hard / serious / critical
打击 - dǎjī - to hit / to strike / to attack / to crack down on sth / a setback / a blow
确诊 - quèzhěn - to make a definite diagnosis
癌症 - áizhèng - cancer
财务 - cáiwù - financial affairs
驱使 - qūshǐ - to urge / to prompt / to spur on / to order sb about
秘诀 - mìjué - secret know-how / key (to longevity) / secret (of happiness) / recipe (for success)
诞生 - dànshēng - to be born
预算 - yùsuàn - budget
开支 - kāizhī - expenditures / pay / expenses
遏制 - èzhì - to check / to contain / to hold back / to keep within limits / to constrain / to restrain
冲动 - chōngdòng - to have an urge / to be impetuous / impulse / urge
透露 - tòulù - to leak out / to divulge / to reveal
认可 - rènkě - to approve / approval / acknowledgment / OK
主义 - zhǔyì - -ism / ideology
编织 - biānzhī - to weave / to knit / to plait / to braid
额外 - éwài - extra / added / additional
定期 - dìngqī - regularly / at regular intervals
焦虑 - jiāolǜ - anxious / worried / apprehensive
钞票 - chāopiào - paper money / a bill (of currency)
日益 + Verb / Verb Phrase - Expressing that an action happens "more and more with each passing day" with "rì​yì + Verb / Verb Phrase"

据悉… - Expressing "according to reports / it is reported (that)…" with "jùxī…"

截至 + Time / Time Phrase - Expressing "up to / by (a certain time)" with "jié​zhì + Time / Time Phrase"

绝大多数 + Noun Phrase - Expressing "an absolute majority / overwhelming majority of…" with "juédàduōshù + Noun Phrase"

A + 介于 + Figure 1 + 到 / 与 / 至 + Figure 2 (+ 之间) - Expressing "A lies between figure 1 and figure 2" with "A + jièyú + Figure 1 + dào / yǔ / zhì + Figure 2 (+ zhījiān)"

绝大部分 + Adj. or Noun Phrase - Expressing "in large part / the greater part of sth" with "juédàbùfen + Adj. or Noun Phrase"
Proper Nouns
深圳 - Shēnzhèn - Shenzhen (city municipality)

无独有偶 - wúdúyǒu'ǒu - not alone but in pairs / not a unique occurrence / it's not the only case
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